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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


Can I Terminate Alimony Payments Because of COVID-19 Job Loss?

By Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC |

The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in job loss for millions of people across the United States, and Florida is no exception. Many people have been terminated, furloughed, or had their hours cut significantly due to their employer’s economic hardships. For people who have additional expenses like spousal support payments, this change in employment status… Read More »

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Tax Filing Options During a Divorce

By Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC |

While many people consider the more obvious issues in a Florida divorce, such as property distribution, spousal support, child custody, and child support, very few consider the tax implications of when their divorce is finalized. Depending on the circumstances in your case, you may be able to save considerably on your taxes during and… Read More »

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When is Divorce Mediation Not the Best Option

By Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC |

Divorce mediation is quickly growing in popularity as an alternative option to traditional, litigated divorce in Florida. While there are many benefits to divorce mediation, in some situations it may not be the best option for settling the differences between you and your former spouse. At the law office of Blair H. Chan, III,… Read More »

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Collaborative Paternity Services

By Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC |

Establishing paternity of a child can be a rewarding experience for everyone involved and confers a number of rights and responsibilities on the father of the child. After legal paternity of a child is established, the parents of the child will need to work out a number of legal issues, including parenting time, custody… Read More »

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How are Retirement Accounts Divided in a Florida Divorce?

By Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC |

Outside of the primary home, one of the largest assets for any couple is a retirement account. How retirement accounts are divided in a Florida divorce is often one of the most significant issues for spouses splitting up, and it can have a substantial impact on the overall divorce settlement. At the law office… Read More »

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What is the Difference Between an Appeal and a Modification in a Florida Divorce?

By Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC |

Many issues are negotiated in a divorce, and sometimes a spouse is not happy with the outcome of an issue. In other situations, a divorce settlement may be finalized by the court but circumstances change for one or both spouses after the fact. In either situation, a person may choose to appeal or request… Read More »

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Can My Child Express a Preference in a Custody Case?

By Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC |

One of the most difficult issues in any Florida divorce is the matter of child custody and visitation. In most cases, the judge will encourage the parents to come up with their own child custody arrangement that works best for them. If the parents cannot agree on custody and visitation, the court will step… Read More »

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Legal Options If a Parent Fails To Pay Child Support

By Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC |

Every parent has a duty to provide for the basic expenses and needs of their child, and when parents are divorced the noncustodial parent usually pays the custodial parent child support to maintain the child’s standard of living. But what happens when a parent fails to pay child support? What options does the recipient… Read More »

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What is a Substantial Change in Circumstances?

By Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC |

There are many issues that must be decided by the spouses before a divorce can be finalized, such as alimony, child support, and custody. However, over time the situation can change for one or both former spouses as well as their children that may necessitate a change in the original divorce decree. When asked… Read More »

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Creating a Valid Prenuptial Agreement

By Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC |

There are many reasons why a couple may consider drafting a prenuptial agreement prior to their wedding in Florida. One or both spouses may be entering the marriage with significant assets, or the couple may be blending families and want to define property interests. Whatever the reason, there are certain steps that each future… Read More »

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