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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


Differences Between Military and Civilian Divorce in Florida

By Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC |

There are over one million active American military members stationed across the country and the world. Military marriage comes with its own set of complications, and so does military divorce. Filing for divorce when one or both spouses are part of the military comes with its own unique set of complications that do not… Read More »

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How To File for Divorce if Your Spouse Lives Out of State

By Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC |

When marriages end, couples will go their separate ways. In many cases, this means moving out to an apartment on the other side of town, but other times one spouse may leave Florida and move to another state before the divorce is filed. While filing for divorce with a spouse who lives out of… Read More »

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How To Modify a Time-Sharing Agreement for Your Child

By Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC |

While parents may come to an agreement during their divorce negotiations regarding a time-sharing schedule for their children or the schedule is ordered by the courts, it is unrealistic to think that the same time-sharing arrangement will continue to work exactly as is three, five, or ten years later. People and circumstances change that… Read More »

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What Type of Alimony is Right for Your Divorce?

By Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC |

Alimony, sometimes called spousal support, may be granted to either spouse in a divorce based on the less wealthy spouse’s need and the wealthier spouse’s ability to pay. The purpose of alimony is to help the lesser earning spouse maintain their current lifestyle while they transition into becoming financial independent after the divorce. Alimony… Read More »

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What are the Best Interests of the Child?

By Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC |

Couples trying to navigate a divorce is difficult enough, but when minor children are involved the situation can get much more complex very quickly. If a couple cannot agree on aspects of their divorce settlement like child custody, visitation, or child support the court will make the determinations based on the best interests of… Read More »

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When is Alimony Terminated in a Florida Divorce?

By Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC |

In many cases of divorce where the couple has been married for a number of years or where one spouse makes a significantly higher income than the other, the family court will order or the couple will agree to the payment of alimony from one spouse to the other during and after the divorce…. Read More »

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Florida Prenuptial Agreements

By Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC |

When most people think about prenuptial, or premarital, agreements they think of the television stereotype: the older, wealthier husband forcing his new, younger wife to sign away her rights in the event of divorce. However, prenuptial agreements can be incredibly beneficial to couples who would like to determine their own financial futures in case… Read More »

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Do You Qualify for an Uncontested Divorce?

By Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC |

Most couples expect that a divorce will be a long and contentious process, but for certain couples the process of divorce can be fairly straightforward, fast, and happen with minimal argument between spouses. Some couples filing for divorce in Florida qualify for an uncontested divorce, which streamlines the process because the couple agrees on… Read More »

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What is Collaborative Divorce?

By Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC |

Florida adopted the Collaborative Law Process Act in 2017 as an alternative to traditional divorce litigation. The collaborative divorce process focused on resolving spouses’ outstanding issues in a divorce through voluntary settlement negotiations instead of litigating their issues in a family court. Collaborative divorce has the potential to save you time, money, and significant… Read More »

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What is the Uniformed Services Former Spouse Protection Act?

By Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC |

The Uniformed Services Former Spouse Protection Act (USFSPA) is a federal law that provides certain benefits to former spouses of military members. This Act can have a significant impact on your military divorce in Florida and it is important to have an experienced divorce attorney by your side who understands the importance of this… Read More »

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