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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


Divorce And Debt Disagreements

By Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC |

Money disputes are a common issue for married couples. According to one report, finances are a key arguing point in many marriages and nearly a third of adults report that money is a conflict in their union. So it stands to reason that many who are moving forward with a divorce find themselves fighting… Read More »

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Elements Of A Florida Parenting Plan

By Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC |

In the event of a divorce, Florida courts work to do what is best for the children. Ideally, the parents will be able to find an amicable resolution between the two of them, often with the help and support of their attorneys. Taking time and care to be sure custody agreements and parenting plans… Read More »

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Ways To Reduce Legal Fees When Divorcing

By Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC |

You may have heard divorce is expensive from people in your social circle, and it can be, but if you are worried about the financial impact of ending your marriage know there are things you can do to reduce legal fees. Staying organized, being honest with your attorney, and finding areas of agreement can… Read More »

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How Will My Florida Marital Debt Be Handled?

By Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC |

It is natural for individuals moving toward divorce to think about how marital assets will be distributed. In fact, often properties and large investment accounts are top of mind. But it is important to realize that how debts will be handled is also a part of what your life will look like post-divorce. You… Read More »

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How To Move Forward After A Tampa Divorce

By Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC |

Many cite the period of their divorce as one of the most difficult times of their lives. It can be stressful to manage all of the life changes you are experiencing and make decisions on what you want in the future. While you may feel too overwhelmed to even think of next steps, making… Read More »

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Divorce Mediation Is An Alternative To Litigation

By Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC |

Protecting your best interests is top of mind for many individuals going through a divorce. And while litigation and court could be part of the process for some, others are able to agree to solutions through mediation, a process that can be faster, less expensive, and allow you to move toward your future with… Read More »

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Co-Parenting After An Uncontested Divorce

By Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC |

If you and your spouse are moving forward with an uncontested divorce, you know that you are agreeing to negotiate through key items, such as division of assets and debts and, if there are children, a child custody concerns. Crafting a parenting plan you both can agree to can be extremely helpful when co-parenting…. Read More »

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Making The Decision To Keep (Or Sell) Your Marital Home

By Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC |

While there are many assets to assess when a couple moves forward with a divorce, sometimes decisions surrounding the marital home can be the most emotional. In some situations, both parties agree it is best to sell the house and distribute the assets. But it is common for one person to want to keep… Read More »

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Get Organized When Preparing For A Tampa Divorce

By Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC |

There are a range of important decisions that need to be made when deciding to separate and divorce. Being overwhelmed is common, but the more organized you are, the smoother the process can be. Because your finances are going to be key in negotiating a fair agreement, gathering your records is essential. An experienced… Read More »

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What Sources Of Income Are Considered For Child Support Payments?

By Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC |

Child support payments are often needed in order for a custodial parent to manage all the expenses of raising a child. These expenses could include housing, food, clothing, and extracurricular activities, for example. If you are moving toward a divorce in Florida, you may be wondering how child support payment amounts are calculated. This… Read More »

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