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Requesting Child Support Modifications Due to COVID Layoffs


The coronavirus pandemic is causing severe disruptions in Florida’s economy, with thousands of workers in many different industries being laid off or furloughed from their jobs. For employees who also make child support payments, this can be an even more stressful time. Thankfully, if you or someone you know is in this position you have legal options during this trying time. At the law office of Blair H. Chan, III in Tampa Bay, our team is here to help you temporarily modify your child support payments until you get back on your feet. To learn more, call or contact our office today.

Temporary Modification of Child Support Payments

When one parent of a child sees a substantial and material change in their circumstances a request can be made to the court for a modification of child support payments. Depending on the specific circumstances of the case, the modification can either be permanent or temporary. As a parent’s income is the main determination of how much child support should be paid every month, if the parent paying support loses their job because of the COVID-19 crisis a modification request may be made.

In Florida, involuntary job loss is a valid ground for requesting a modification in child support payments. A temporary modification of child support may also be granted if the parent paying support keeps their job during the pandemic but suffers a reduction in pay or a reduction in hours during this difficult time that results in decreased income. This differs from a situation where a parent quits their job or refuses to find employment to try and avoid making child support payments, in which case a judge will usually deny the request.

Other Reasons for Temporary Modification of Child Support

There are other reasons why a temporary modification of child support may be warranted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of these relate to decreases in the child’s expenses or needs. For example, if the child’s care center is closed during the outbreak, a decrease in payments may be warranted until childcare reopens. The same applies if there is a decrease in tuition or schooling expenses if a child is participating in online schooling for the fall.

If the parent paying child support contracts COVID-19 and incurs significant medical bills it may also be a reason to request a modification in child support payments. However, if the child gets sick from the coronavirus a modification may be requested to increase support payments to help cover the costs of their medical bills. To learn more about how the coronavirus pandemic could affect your child support payments or to request a temporary reduction in support payments due to job loss, talk to our office today,

Reach Out to Us Today for Help

Parents struggling with support payments during this difficult time can speak with a Tampa family attorney at the office of Blair H. Chan, III to learn more about their legal options. Call the office or contact us today to schedule an initial consultation of your case.



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